

A safe atmosphere to continue to deal with real issues every single person encounters.


VIBEZ is an exciting place for singles to gather and grow in their personal walk with Jesus Christ. Our ministry is open to all single and single-again adults.  We are committed to providing Christian singles with biblical instruction in the area of singleness and encouraging wholeness and completeness in Jesus Christ.  We emphasize the need for contentment and dedication to the work of the Lord and have submitted our gifts and our time for the building of His kingdom.

We sponsor a variety of fellowship activities throughout the year, as well as a monthly SINGLES NIGHT.
During our Hangouts, we discuss topics on sex and relationship to help us prepare towards marriage in a godly manner. In preparing for marriage, we also discuss other topics such as health, time management, investments, money management and much more to make us well-rounded and ready for
the institution of marriage.
Join Us at one of our  Events!

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